Saturday, 7 September 2013

Late night update.

Hello there lone reader, just a brief update as I realise it has (once again) been a great deal of time since my last update.

Firstly, I'm happy to announce the addition of a mighty Heldrake to my army. I've only had a brief chance to play test him against a Khone themed Daemon army and I'm proud to say he kicked as much ass as I had hoped. Between Meteoric Strike and the Baleflamer, there isn't much a Heldrake can't do. More on that another time.

Next up I'm going to mention the green stuff work I've been doing on my second Chaos Marine squad. I wanted to Nurgle them up a bit so I've been making sores, boils and big drippy guts to give them that really rotten look. Ive Got a rather blurry image I'll upload below, but hopefully there will be more pics to follow in my next update.

Finally I've begun work forging a story for my army. I want to write up a series of short, silly stories Chronicling the Dark Lord Bukimimaru and his rise from frustrated Space Marine to Lord of his own Legion of the dammed. I'm hoping to write up some missions to play against my friends that will run along side the short stories. 

Well that's all from me for tonight, not much of an update I know, but it's all I can offer at the moment.

Take care trusted reader, stay evil. 

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