Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Last few games; My Quick and Dirty 800 Point List.

Good evening, good evening, good evening. Of what ever time of day it is that you're reading this. It is, as always, a pleasure to have you here trusted reader.

As I've mentioned in one of my recent (hah) blog updates I was beginning to feel a little despondent towards my beloved disease spreaders due to several lost matches in a row. I'm glad to say my beastly warriors are finally starting to get into the swing of things and have done very well in their last few matches.

It's very late and I don't intend to go into any great details, but here's a quick run down of my latest quick and dirty 800 point list:

Typhus 230

3 Chaos Terminators: heavy flamer. 105
5 Chosen: Chosen Champion (melta bombs); 4× flamer; flamer; Mark of Nurgle. 170
Chaos Rhino

17 Plague Zombies 78
17 Plague Zombies 78

1 Obliterator 70
1 Obliterator 70

801 points

Now I know what you're thinking: "Typhus in such a small points game? Are you quite mad?"
Under normal circumstances I would whole heartedly agree that any single model costing way almost 30% of the entire list is absurd, but in casual games he works a real treat.

If you want a serious list against experienced players, this is not for you.
If you want a tournament list to bring the pain against an old rival, this is not for you.
If you want a quick and easy list that's going to be fun to play and will leave inexperienced players weeping into their boots, then maybe this is worth a read.

The basic run down is as follows:

The Obliterators will just do what they do best. Grab a good vantage point and rain bloody death down on walkers, vehicles and special characters. These are the guy that will get you the First Blood and Warlord Killer points early on in the game.

The two squads of Plague Zombies are used as turn one's distraction. Either stomp them both up the middle into a wide open space and dare your opponent to do their worst, or keep one unit to one side to camp on top of an objective. You should be expecting to loose most of these guys pretty early on, but they are surprisingly hardy guys and might take a lot more dakka than you might expect.

The Rhino should be moved up the board full of our Chosen flamers. Either keep them behind the cultists or, even better, out of the enemies' light of sight. Out of sight, out of mind.

On turn two, drop Typhus in via Deep Strike with his Terminator Body Guards. The Terminators might not last the enemies shooting round, but it's unlikely that in such a low points game your opponent will have the firepower to deal with 3 Terminators AND Typhus. If you get lucky rolling Typhus' psychic powers you can curse the nastiest looking nearby enemy unit with the Gets Hot special rule, relieving some of the pressure from not being able to assault straight off the bat. Once dropped in this unit will be focus fired like nobody's business, but that's fine because its affording the Rhino and Plague Zombies time to get up field. If the Termies die, then that's to be expected, if they survive then its an added bonus. They are really just bubble wrap to make sure Typhus gets a chance to swing his scythe around for a bit before he gets capped.

With the Obliterators still spewing bullets and the Zombies getting ever closer, turn three should really have your opponent on their toes. The Chosen Marines can bail out of the Rhino, flame big blobs to death or (as I've done the last two games) run up to the biggest, meanest looking MC or vehicle and stuff a Melta-Bomb up it Arsehole/exhaust pipe. Between Typhus, any remaining Terminators, what ever is left of the fearless zombie Hoards and the Flame Unit, your opponent won't know who to deal with first and usually, by this point, most of their worst units are either tied up in combat with the Man Reaper or a smouldering pile of Melta/Flamer ash.

Again, this isn't the greatest list in the world, and an experienced opponent with know which units to cripple with focus fire rather than trying to spread themselves too thin, but if you want a list that's really good fun, then by all mean give this a whirl. It's brought be victory in my last 3 games and they were all really enjoyable games.

That's all for now lone reader, but there will be plenty more updates from me before long. I've been on a painting spree and I've done some cool Green Stuff work on my old Dark Vengeance Terminators. Pics to follow before long.

G'night Y'all.

A Work In Progress. From the above to the below:

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