Sorry for the delay, but I'm now sat down and poised to regale you with details about the 3 mighty new additions to my growing army of evil.
Ok, so the truth is, I've had these for some time, but I'm not as dedicated a blogger as I would like.
First off is my only legitimate purchase, a handy dandy squad of Chaos Space Marines.
I looked at all my left over bits and pieces from the Dark Vengeance set, Plague Marines, Possessed and (surprisingly) parts from an old Space Marine Assault Squad, and I realised could build a Chaos Space Marine Squad and have enough parts left over to make a legitimate Havok Squad to boot.
After a lot of contemplation I build the squad up with a Plasma gun, a Melta gun, and I forwent the Aspiring Champion (I have an awesome looking fine cast already thanks to Flawless Cowboy) and went for an icon bearer instead. I know they are pretty much redundant in the new edition, but Chaos Gods help me, I do love a fluffy army.
As mentioned above, my second new unit is a spunky looking squad of Havoks (the a Chaos-y Devastator Squad for you Loyalists out there).
This unit was built completely out of spare parts, and consists of a champion with a power fist and Plasma pistol. The rest of the squad consists of 2 rocket launchers (mostly made from marine parts with green stuff to Nurgle them up a bit) one heavy bolter and a Plasma Cannon. I'm sure there's at least one person at some point who might stumble across my mad ramblings, and if that person is the raving pedant that my brain tells me most Tabletop Gamers are; he will probably be jumping up and down, hands clenched into fists, furious sweat beading on his greasy brow as he exclaims "A Havok Squad cannot take a plasma cannon you odious curr." Well, I was aware of that when I put the angry little marine together, but I think plasma cannons look seriously cool, and a regular plasma gun just didn't look as impressive when stood next to the meaty looking rocket launchers and heavy bolter. Suffice to say, I run him with the standard Plasma gun rules.
Last but not least, I'm rather grateful to a friend of mine called Stone who gave me a bag full of assorted Chaos bits and pieces, which I'm pleased to say I successfully turned into a motley crew of Khorne Bezerkers. 'Bezerkers?' I hear my one exasperated reader snort derisively 'Thats not very in keeping with your Nurgle theme!'
On one hand I agree, nothing especially Nurgely about Khone Bezerkers and fluff-wise, it's going to take some creative theorising to come up with a satisfactory explanation as to why they have joined my Army of the Damned.
On the other hand, using some left over bits from my Possessed squad, some green stuff and a lick of paint, I see no reason why they shouldn't soon look as rotten and unpleasant as the rest of my corpsey crew. Besides, after seeing Sye's Khorne Bezerker's chop a squad of Ultramarine Terminator's into Helbrute gruel, I'd be a fool to look this gift horse in the mouth.
Well, that's it for my new units, but my amry is slowing become a force to be reckoned with. I've recently discovered an old Space Marine Land Raider in my shed I'm dying to convert into a ghastly pimp mobile of doom. Once I find the time to make a start I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, lone nerdly reader. Adieu.
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